Data Deletion Request

eGamingUp Data Deletion Request

To request the deletion of your data by our Política de privacidad section 4. Your Rights, please follow the steps below:

1. Compose an email with the subject line: “Data Deletion Request” + XXXXXX (Indicate your eGU-ID).

2. In the body of the email, state: “By right, responsibility, and of my own free will, I request eGamingUp to delete my data associated with my eGU-ID: XXXXXX (Indicate your eGU-ID). I have attached an official identification with a photograph to verify the relationship between the mentioned eGUTag, myself, and this request. I accept the actions, measures, and outcomes resulting from this data deletion request.”

3. Send your email to the following email address:


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es_VEEspañol de Venezuela